Training of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service's retained duty system personnel: HMFSI inspection report
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Glossary and abbreviations
An explanation of abbreviations used can be found in below.
Acting Up: An individual who is undertaking a managerial position above their substantive position
ASN: Additional Support Needs
BA: Breathing apparatus
Education Scotland: The national body in Scotland for supporting quality and improvement in learning and teaching
EFAD: Emergency Fire Appliance Driving: training to ensure the driver has the knowledge, understanding and skill required to drive a fire service vehicle safely under emergency response conditions
FRS: Fire and Rescue Service
HMFSI: Her Majesty's Fire Service Inspectorate
HS&W: Health, Safety and Wellbeing
IC: Incident Command: safe system of work needed at an incident
ICS: Incident Command System: a framework to structure, organise and manage an incident
IT: Information Technology
LAI: Local Area Inspection
Legacy Terms and Conditions: The eight former Services in Scotland had different arrangements in place regarding RDS training
LCMS: Learning Content Management System: an online learning resource for firefighters
LGV: Large Goods Vehicle
LSO: Local Senior Officer: by law the SFRS has to appoint a LSO for each local authority area in Scotland
PDRPro: Personal Development Recording: an electronic system used by both Wholetime and Retained firefighters to record training and learning development, both from formal training and from continuous development obtained during actual incidents
RDS: Retained Duty System
R&R: Response and Resilience: operational planning to ensure the right resources are available at the right time and in the right locations
RTC: Road Traffic Collision
SD: Service Delivery: front end delivery by operational staff
SDA: Service Delivery Area: the SFRS is organised into three geographical areas for service delivery (East, North and West)
SFRS: Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
SLT: Strategic Leadership Team
Task and Task Management course: An initial training course for new entrant RDS firefighters
TED: Training and Employee Development
TfOC: Training for Operational Competence: a skills management training programme for firefighters
2005 Act: The Fire (Scotland) Act 2005