The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Command and Control Mobilising System (CCMS)
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Inspection Findings - Why a new mobilising platform was necessary
12. The three OCs are equipped with a CCMS that was considered to require replacement because each was deemed to be at end of life. The systems required specialist support arrangements due to their age and were reliant on older hardware, the supply of which was likely to become more difficult to source over time. The systems did not offer interoperability between control rooms, and the process of procuring a single platform was seen as an opportunity to improve resilience and efficiency by enabling fully functional interoperability between the control rooms.
13. Work was carried out to each of the three existing CCMS in place as part of the merger process of control rooms in the three SDAs; West (2014), East and North (2016). The adaptions involved merging data and information to allow the control rooms to continue to function for the whole of the SDAs.
14. Due to the age of the systems, these adaptions resulted in OC systems requiring several manual processes in order to effectively handle calls and mobilise resources. These adaptions were seen as a ‘stop gap’ until a new CCMS could be sourced and implemented.