Report on the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service's planning and preparedness for COVID-19 (Light Touch Review)
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1.1 Business Continuity Management (BCM)
The SFRS Business Continuity Management Plans (BCMPs) are based on best practice and guidance under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004. The SFRS gives the responsibility to Heads of Departments for the maintenance, audit and exercising of their individual BCMPs, in conjunction with other departments whose plans may have an interdependence
We have not explored these plans in great detail as they are not new for COVID-19, and have been in existence, tested and exercised in the past following events such as; severe weather (February 2018 'beast from the east'), and European Athletic Championships. These events have provided opportunities for the Service to learn, review and adapt their BCMP arrangements.
The Service has a bespoke seasonal Influenza Pandemic BCMP. We have scrutinised key areas within this business continuity plan.